Customer Support BG


  • Communication with customers (chats, emails, calls).
  • Solving customers’ issues and product usage assistance.
  • Referring customer queries to the relevant internal departments.
  • Effective working in the team.

What we're looking for in a candidate

  • High written and verbal communication skills.
  • Knowing how to win customer’s trust.
  • Bulgarian - C1 or native.
  • English - A2 or higher.
  • A confident PC user.
  • Being able to work under pressure without losing the focus.
  • Having a desire for personal growth.

How we hire

Recruiter Screen

Our recruiters carefully review your application and reach out to schedule the initial interview. Feel free to ask more about the role!

Hiring Manager Interview

Candidates selected undergo an interview where we discuss their skills, experience, and how they fit with corporate culture.

Assessment Task

Some candidates might complete a task to show their skills in action. Usually brief, these tasks respect your time.

Final Interview

This is the last step where you get feedback on your task and meet our department head.

Decision & Offer

We decide within 2 weeks and notify the chosen candidate with an offer to join us!